Conversations That Matter
Conversations That Matter
Episode 96 - Navigating Life's Purpose with Mindy Leishman
What happens when you choose guidance, support, and practice over societal expectations? Our guest, Mindy Leishman - a life, health and adventure coach, has a captivating story to tell. Transitioning from a flourishing real estate career in Florida to a new path in Costa Rica, Mindy discovered the power of personal development and designing a life filled with purpose and passion. Listen to how she created new neural pathways and recognized the future's knocks, transforming her life completely.
Dive deep into our discussion about finding your inner diamond and letting it shine. Society often clouds our true selves with views, opinions, and expectations, but Mindy believes we all have an authentic self waiting to be discovered and loved. Learn more about her Dream Builder Program, a tool that aids in rediscovering our dreams and defining our purpose in life. We also explore the importance of staying connected to our feelings and longings to ensure we're living authentically. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who seeks a roadmap to finding purpose and happiness in life.
Connect with Mindy at the following links:
Website: https://www.coachwithmindy.com/
Email: mindy.leishman@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mindy-leishman/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindyleishman/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindyleishmancoaching/
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Welcome to Conversations that Matter with your host, amber Howard. Each week, amber dances, in conversation with inspirational leaders, out to make a difference for what matters most to people. She brings you incredible guests who share their real life experience of being a leader and what it looks like to live a truly created life of service to others. And now here's your host.
Speaker 2:Welcome back everyone. Welcome back to the Conversations that Matter podcast. I am so excited, honored, thrilled, joyful today to have Mindy Leishman on the show. Is it Leishman or Leishman? Leishman, leishman Okay, it's funny, right? Normally ask ahead of time.
Speaker 2:Mindy is a life, health and adventure coach who hosts retreats. She has clients all over the world and she's really committed to supporting her clients living a life that they absolutely love. And Mindy transitioned from a very successful creature as a creature, as a real estate agent in real estate, to guide others to really creating lives that they love, that are full of passion and purpose. And Mindy is one of my friends, someone who I'm in partnership. We're both coming at things from a little bit of a different place sometimes, but really both have a shared commitment that people get to create their lives based on what they really want, and one of the things that I know is partnership is the biggest thing in terms of being able to fulfill on my commitments and why I'm here, and Mindy is such a you're such an amazing partner. So thank you so much for being here and having this conversation with me today. You're in Costa Rica, I'm in Bali. I think that's really exciting and just yeah, thank you for giving us your time.
Speaker 3:Well, thank you for having me and I just want to say I am thrilled, excited and honored to be here with you, Amber. So thank you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, really good. So talk to us. How did you get to be where you are today? You know I mean to go from a successful career as a real estate agent to picking up and move into other parts of the world and buying property and coaching people and creating all of these retreats. What was that journey like for you?
Speaker 3:The journey was. You know I'd like to say it was all fun and games, but the truth was it was a rocky road. You know, I had been in personal development for around 12 years at that point and many different programs, and what I discovered oftentimes is no program after program, I just returned to being myself. And then I got into a program that really changed my life. I started learning about the laws of the universe and I started realizing we're truly just reprogramming the neural pathways. So when that was Bob Proctor program and so when I really started to digest this information, I started truly like taking that dream off of that shelf back here and putting it in front of me every day. And that dream had been there since 2013, when I read the book Eat, pray, love. And I had dreamed as a single mom with two young teenage daughters or twins. They're 24 today, but I had dreamed of a life where I could travel the world and live in different countries for three or four months at a time. So fast forward, december of 2021.
Speaker 3:I took off for real, for real, on my adventure. I tried it here and there. You know, I'd go to Colorado from Florida for a month, and what I discovered that I'm really good at the traveling part. I wasn't so good at the working while I'm traveling, and so I would usually not make money while I was there. But on this particular trip, after have you know, after some of the training that I'd taken and learning about neural pathways, listening to like Joe dispense and meditations, those type of things I was committed to becoming a life coach, and so I had heard in a meditation there again. I don't know why, but when your purpose comes to you, sometimes it comes very loudly, and that's exactly what happened for me and, yeah, that's how I ended up here in Costa Rica.
Speaker 2:I love it. It's like I use so many things that what you said you know, it's like that knock right. And I think you know, like we get knocks right, like there's something knocking for us, there's a future that's calling to us, and oftentimes, you know, for various different reasons, I think largely because we get so caught up in the how is human beings Like we ignore the knock or we ignore the things that we want, because we don't know how to get from where we are today to where we want to be in the future, and so we just suppress that desire. You know I call it selling out. I say we sell out on our authenticity, on what we really want, and I think this is why it's so valuable to work with people like you, mindy, Because we need guides, right, we need people to help us.
Speaker 2:You know, if you look in business, you wouldn't try to, you know, necessarily transform your business or create a new strategy or whatever without having supporting guidance from people, and so why would it be any different in our personal lives?
Speaker 2:So that was one thing that really stood out in what you were saying, and the other thing is I've been talking a lot of late about like, and we were just talking before we came on. I'm going to start a recording about like practice and the importance of practicing the art of living right, and that's where those new neural pathways gets built Like, because the brain is a pattern generating machine. So you know, you don't end up the way you are today without having developed habits that have been ingrained over decades and a whole lifetime. So if you want to create new neural pathways around anything, whether it's gratitude or forgiveness or, you know, not making things wrong, not being at the effect of your circumstance, it takes practice and then intentionally putting yourself in programs or in communities where you're going to get support with practicing those tools, which I think is like another reason why having a coach or being engaged in this kind of work To me it's not. You know, it's a lifestyle right. It's like it's a commitment. I'll be doing this until I die.
Speaker 3:Yeah, absolutely. And that's just that I had, like I said, I was going off to these programs and they were amazing. I mean, I was with some of the world top leaders, you know, going to programs, but it was a weekend or it was five days and then I'd come home and I would be me again or I'd be trying to do it on, say back then, cds, right, and remember the days when we had CDs. You know, I was trying to go it by myself and I realized I need the community and heard the. When I finally heard that I was supposed to be a life coach, so it was a knock that came to me in so many ways. But I didn't hear it. So for years I'd heard that I should, that I, you know, people, my friends, people around me would say you should be a life coach. And I was like, oh, no, no, no, no, I'm a realtor, thank you. And it wasn't until it was that loud, booming voice in my mind that was so distinguishable, distinguishable from my ego voice. It wasn't my ego saying you should coach, no, this was my spirit, saying you're supposed to be a life coach, and I finally couldn't ignore it anymore. But the other thing that I want to make really clear to anyone who's listening to this is life will continue to get very uncomfortable until you actually listen and when you finally listen and, like you said, you just practice. You know, I practiced. I became a certified life coach.
Speaker 3:I didn't care for the type of coaching that I was certified in Because I knew, just like what I had done where I would take these weekend seminars or go study with some of these great names that people would just come back and do them again. They would just get back into those paths because they hadn't reprogrammed the neuro pathways. But they did get to start. I did get to start seeing, you know, the light at the end of the tunnel. So there was nothing wrong with that. It just wasn't really that consistency, that every day practice that I needed to become the person who was a successful coach. And then this fell in my left, because that's what the universe does when you're walking towards your purpose, the universe puts all the people, all the circumstances, all anything you need comes to you. It's just amazing, it's magical.
Speaker 2:It's interesting. You said that a couple of times like that you would just go back to being yourself. And yeah, I've been working with a coach recently. He's the author of one of my favorite books co author of one of my favorite books evolutionary love relationships and I'm part of the reason why I wanted to work with Chris is he's developed like a framework around honoring self and others, which is something where I'm really committed to and wanting to expand my capacity to honor myself, honor other people, and you know he's got an interesting take.
Speaker 2:He's also participated in some of the similar programs that you and I have over the years, but he says you know it's I don't know that we ever transform anything or change anything.
Speaker 2:He said I think all that happens is we, we expand our capacity to be our authentic selves, or expand the edges of being our authentic selves.
Speaker 2:And and it's interesting because I think, yes, practice, yes, neural pathways, but I think there's also this element and this is part of the work I know that you do with people, mindy and the dream builder program and and in your interactions with them, is getting them in touch with what they authentically want and that authentic self and their authentic desires, because I think, when you do that, when you are clear about what it is that's you know, because I think for so many of us, our lives are constructed out of taking actions or following pathways based on some should other people's expectations, societal standards, our parents.
Speaker 2:So the more we're able to, you know, get in touch with that authentic self and what we truly want, it's, it becomes not like it's easy, but I think it becomes like it's quieter, things become clearer and then, as you said, I think, those resources that people show up on that journey to help kind of pull you forward, right, you start attracting to you more and more, like for me, meeting oh, hold on Meeting more and more people who are like yourself and the relationship that you and I formed, and other people who just keep showing up on my journey, who are allies and partners in my commitment that people get to live a creative life of their own design. And you may not articulate your commitment exactly the same or what have you, but but there's that partnership there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I want to expand on some of the points that you just made, because it's true, we're really looking at what would I love to create in my life, what? What would a life that I absolutely love look like? Now, that doesn't mean what am I doing for my career or who am I necessarily living my life with, or, you know, getting someone to change so that they meet your expectations, or whatever it might be. It's truly like me as a human being. What would I like? What would I love, not just like what would I love for my life to look like, and, like I said, for me that was travel, having the freedom to live anywhere in the world that I want, you know, and still making a nice income while I'm doing it.
Speaker 3:And then the other thing I want to point out as well is we're not fixing anything, like I didn't fix anything, although for many years I felt like I needed to fix me. I felt like there was something wrong with me. Why were, why was other people being successful? Why could this woman do this and I couldn't? Why could this person do this and I couldn't? And it wasn't that. It was like you find this diamond in the rough and you got to start dusting the diamond off, right, and the more you dust that diamond off, at the very core of it is this beautiful, beautiful diamond that just lights up the world, but it's got layers and layers of this dust on it that we have to take off. So we're really we're getting down to the core of who we always were, but we've lost that in the world of busy and should and must and have to.
Speaker 3:I love that.
Speaker 2:I love that. I kind of like the analogy of like you know those hermit crabs that collect and build their houses on themselves as they move across the, you know, the beach or the ocean floor. And I think about human beings that way. Like I think when we start out and this is like getting back to that authentic self that we started that we lost, right their children are very authentic in who they are and what they want, and open and willing to learn, and then we collect views and opinions and experiences throughout life that I think you know like dull the diamond. I like that analogy as well, mindy. And so it's like that process of trying to fix oneself is never like just doesn't work, there's nothing to fix. There's nothing to fix, yeah.
Speaker 3:We are all whole, perfect and complete exactly as we are, but we just need to take off those layers that society has put on us All, the names that society has put on us all, the heaviness of having our dreams tampered down over the years.
Speaker 3:Right, I don't know about you, but I remember being in school and I have a little ADD, you know. And so looking out the window and daydreaming, and my teacher pay attention, stop looking out the window, pay attention. And you know that follows us the rest of the way through our school years. And we're not allowed to dream, you know, and that's the dream builder program we learn how to dream again, but not just about the little things in life, like, really, what is your soul calling you to do? And then, how can we bring that diamond out? Bring that diamond forth and allow it to shine in the world, you know, and it doesn't have to be something big and grand, it could just be, you know, taking your kids on a five star vacation, whatever that is for you, right, buying your dream home, traveling somewhere in the world for the first time.
Speaker 2:Well, and you know a couple of things you said. They're just brilliant, right. Like that with children in school. Like we know from you know my studies in neurolinguistic programming through eye tracking that the place that the eyes go to when people are being creative, when they're daydreaming, when they're fantasizing, is like the exact same place. Like so, when teachers are saying, stop daydreaming, focus, what they're actually interrupting is that natural process that children have inherently to be imaginative, to create, to try and see things differently. And then, you know, we teach people to focus and we interrupt those processes and, as a result of that, I think we stop being able to express what it is that we really want and desire because we're taught that that's, you know, something we shouldn't be doing. You know it's a waste of time to fantasize, it's a waste of time to daydream. And you know I'm super excited just created before we came on, that I'm gonna be doing the program with you, your new program starting on Monday. So it's not too late to jump in anyone. I mean, by the time you hear this it'll probably have already started, but you can always reach out to Mindy. She runs her programs all the time Every month. And why I'm excited to jump in with you is like.
Speaker 2:I know myself as someone who is really effective at manifesting what I want, but it's kind of I've manifested a lot of it already, so it's like what's next Like and I don't have as clear a sense of like where I want my leadership to be. You know, some of it starting to kind of like there's some thoughts. You know there's some conversations that are, and there's a new business that I'm creating and partnership, which is incredible, around fulfilling on my purpose and why I'm here. But it's like for me, for myself, one of the things I know that's really effective is having goals that are worthy of my life and goals that cause me to want to leap out of bed, and I don't have those right now. You know the purpose that we want to fulfill on in the business and the things that you know those are exciting to me.
Speaker 2:I love it working in partnership with our team here. But like, what does Amber's life look like in 10 years? Like I don't it's. I don't know what that is. You know, other than more of what I have already, and I know that that's not. You know it's time to create a bigger goal. So I'm really looking forward to diving into that with you and being part of this. You know this program that starts.
Speaker 3:I love what you just said because you know that's just. It's not whether we are worthy of the goal. Is the goal worthy of our life force, our time and our energy? Because there are so many people in today's world which I think is why depression, anxiety, stress, all these things are so huge in the world right now is we're living these lives, going to these jobs that we may or may not like. But I just read recently that I think it's 73% of middle-aged women in the United States are unhappy in their jobs or careers. 73, that means 73% of the women who are 45 and above are waking up every day going to a job or a career that they're unhappy in, and probably sitting in traffic to go to that job or career.
Speaker 3:Now, that is not a goal that's worthy of someone's life force, of their time and their energy, because the most precious thing that we have while we're here on this earth is our time, you know.
Speaker 3:So it's really important that we get it right. You know that we start living on purpose, with intention, because when we're living with intention, when we're living with our highest purpose and you know you might be saying, well, I don't know what my purpose is I mean, I certainly never dreamed I was gonna be a life coach. That was not even anywhere on the radar. But what happens is when we slow down, we get through some of the unworthiness that we might feel, like I'm not worthy of having a job that gives me six figures, or I'm not worthy of a career that allows me to travel the world or be an entrepreneur or having the love of my life or whatever it might be. When we get through that, when we can ditch all the judgments we can, when we can get rid of the anger, resentment, jealousy, fear, all those low level emotions, when we quiet the monkey mind, I can guarantee you your soul will speak to you and put you on the right path. But we can't hear it with all the noise that we have going on in there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love what you're saying and I think to me this is also like it's interesting language, right. Like I think for some people and you know I'd be interested to hear from people who are listening to this conversation Like sometimes we get taken out by like. I've been working with a couple of people recently around like discovering what their purpose is and it's like like a couple of things about that. For me it's like one like you may not have a singular purpose. It's like from and my coach uses this language of like the circle of reality from where you are today. What can you create from where you are today?
Speaker 2:And I think this is super important because there are people who do the kind of work like you and I do, mindy where you know it's like you can have anything you want in your life and yeah, it's true, but it's gotta be grounded like from where you are in your life right now.
Speaker 2:Like if you, if you wanna take on you know, if you I mean say you want it to be a millionaire, if that's something that's important to you and you're currently only earning $5,000 a month or a year or whatever, like that circle of reality, you don't have a belief, a set of beliefs that are a match for earning, being a millionaire.
Speaker 2:Is it possible for you to create a circle of reality and expand your circle of reality and shift it over time and grow towards that, but to like, have people left with, oh you know, like you can go from where you are in this moment to that Like? I think there's something for us to be responsible in how we guide people through these journeys that honors the circle of reality that they're standing in today and helps people shift and grow over time so that they can have more and more of and create a life that is, you know, purpose driven and getting that, you know, there is not a singular like, that's not a destination, that's a journey, and that what your purpose looks like today may change over time.
Speaker 3:Oh it's going. It's definitely going to change over time, because that which stops growing starts dying. You know, that was Bob Proctor always said. You know, when you stop growing, you start dying. And so we wouldn't want to reach a goal and then that's just be it right.
Speaker 3:There always has to be the next goal, and you're so correct, like I think this is where the secret got it wrong. We can't just think about becoming a millionaire and you become a millionaire. You actually have to come from being a millionaire, and what I mean by that is you become the millionaire in your mind first. How does that also think? How do they talk? How do they walk? What kind of conversations do they have? What are their morning routines? What are their evening routines? Who are they hanging out with and spending their time with? See, we have to come from that which we want to become, and so we can't, and that is the circle of reality. Right there, the circle of reality is moving from the reality that we're currently in, even if it's in our mind first, before it becomes reality, to moving in that place where we are, that and we're living from that.
Speaker 3:And so our words reflect that, our behaviors reflect that. The way we dress, walk and talk reflects that. Now, that doesn't mean so. For instance, you and I had the same coach. She was very into the designer handbags and the lavish lifestyle, right, and I had decided that that was not what I wanted in my life. I wanted to live a very simple life, still make a nice income and never, ever, have to wear shoes if I don't want to, and so that's the life that I've created. I can live anywhere in the world and I don't have to wear shoes if I don't want to. While I'm coaching, maybe if I'm doing a live event, right, and maybe not there again, I hold retreats and I don't wear shoes a lot of the time while I'm on the retreat.
Speaker 2:I love that what living and creative life looks like for you is. This is one of the things that we're really standing for with people is they get it's like your created life? Yes, from the inside out, and this is one of the things that Bob Proctor talks about a lot in Napoleon Hill. It's like internal to external right. It's like introspecting on what it is that I really want and what I'm committed to. And it's a journey, right, because before you can start to really talk about what you authentically want, you have to dismantle a lot. There's a lot of beliefs to dismantle about shoulds and expectations and all of these things that we've been kind of touching on. And one of the things that you talk about, mindy, that I really like and you've said it before it's this kind of idea of facing it till you make it. But even that, like developing a deepening one's faith that you know, and deepening their faith in beliefs that are not the things that are true or not, because I think this is a really important thing for me, it's not and I say this to my clients it's not true that you need a purpose.
Speaker 2:Lots of people make you know, go through life, they die, they, they.
Speaker 2:When they die without a purpose.
Speaker 2:You know we don't work in truths in that way, like you have to or you must, but from our experience, from you know, from looking from our own lives and looking at the lives of people who have, who are, you know, living successful lives, and my definition of that is a life where of satisfaction, a life where I have the ability to turn my desires into you know, my reality and as I'm living in my day to day, it's like the degree how successful I am.
Speaker 2:It's the degree to which I can take what I want and actually have that fulfilled on and like inside of that. Having a purpose is a really good idea, because my life is more fulfilled and satisfied when I have a purpose and I'm taking actions and I'm living my life inside of fulfilling, on things that are aligned with that right, and so I think that's a big part of it too is there are beliefs like everything's unfolding for my greatest good, that having faith that, no matter what the circumstances are, that I'm moving closer to that, these beliefs are a good idea too, because they help us move closer to having the things that we really want in our lives.
Speaker 3:But the bottom line is the highest emotion that we can have is love and joy. Love, joy, gratitude. So we're all energetic beings. The lowest emotions that we can have and this has been a real problem in the last few years with political people around the world, all the stuff going on with the pandemic and what have you is it's driven a lot of people into the lower level of emotions of fear, anger, doubt, insecurity. You name it right.
Speaker 3:And if your purpose is to be a nurse or a doctor and save lives, you'll know that because that's where you're shining right. When you're going to work you're shining your light and you know you're in the flow. You're working in your purpose and there's nothing to fix or change there. Like you're living. What brings you joy? That could be raising your children, that could be a stay-at-home mom who's just really like getting so much fulfillment of being there with her children or his stay-at-home dad, right.
Speaker 3:So, like you said, it doesn't necessarily have to be this big grand purpose, but we all have a purpose and we know when we're in that purpose, because we feel love, we feel joy, we feel gratitude, we feel appreciation, like we're in those higher level emotions and, at the end of the day, if you go to bed for the last time and you lay your head on the pillow for the last time and you can say, yeah, I lived a good life, I was really happy. I brought a lot of people in my life happy, happiness, love, gratitude, whatever it is then you've lived a really good life. But what is it that brings that to you? And it may change. I became a life coach at 56. It was not something I was expecting and I lived many different purposes throughout my lifetime.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, it's Well, and I think they make a really good point right, like it wasn't like being a real estate agent or having a real estate business was a bad life. You were successful, that worked for you, that fulfilled on a purpose at a time in your life. And then, at some point in time and I think this is where our level of satisfaction with our life and doing things like wellness wheels and checking in with the different areas of wellbeing to see how satisfied we are, because I think that's a good gauge right it's like at some point in time that life stopped being satisfying for you.
Speaker 2:It was satisfying until it wasn't right and then, when it wasn't, it's like sometimes we hang out there for quite a long time, right, like in one's life, because it's almost like a frog in the water you don't realize you're burning, that you're being cooked to death, until it's too late, right, you're just like what once was like a 10 out of 10. Life becomes a 9.5 and a nine and a eight and a seven, and then we start dissociating and numbing and to deal with different emotions and like our level of satisfaction. Perhaps things happen, circumstances happen, and we become a little bit of a victim in our lives, right? So I think, the more we can tune in to, you know, our own internal sense of wellbeing and happiness and satisfaction, and when that starts to go out, that's not like there's nothing wrong, it's like okay, well, maybe it's time for there to be a shift in some area of my life so that I can be more aligned with what it is that I really want.
Speaker 3:That's just it. We look at our longings and discontents, like what my longing was to travel the world, to have the freedom to travel the world. And, let's face it, I was a real estate agent in Florida. It was hot, you know, it was really, really hot and I didn't really want to have to put on dress clothes anymore and go out into that Florida heat, right. And, like you said, it got very uncomfortable. It was just a little bit at a time, but eventually I relate it to being in a abusive relationship. So, you know, eventually it got to the point like I was literally dreading going out showing property and having to negotiate and it was almost like getting punched in the face every time I had to go to work. And so if we look at our longings and our discontents, our discontent is just our soul telling us, hey, you've fulfilled this purpose in life, right, you've fulfilled this part of your life. Maybe it's time to move on.
Speaker 1:Not for you anymore.
Speaker 3:Yes, exactly. And then our longings, that's our soul, telling us hey, this is where you belong, like I know that I love nature, you know. So part of my travel, a lot of my travel, has to do with nature and hiking. And you know, is it any wonder that now I have a business where I'm running women's retreats in Costa Rica and I'm going to start running retreats in other parts of the world, right when?
Speaker 2:we're-.
Speaker 3:Including Bali. Yes, right, yes, yes, yeah, like you know, we're going to go ziplining on a volcano and whitewater rafting and, you know, floating down a river under a waterfall. You know, like, is it any wonder? Because I started listening to my longings and so if there's anything that I could tell the listeners to do that might help them really kind of wade through this conversation is, you know, just start journaling, like, what are my discontents in life If I look in those main areas of love and relationships, like not just your partner but the whole ball of rats, how are your friends, you know?
Speaker 3:How are the relationships with your kids and your parents and your this and their neighbors and whatever the people you work with? Love and relationships, your time and money, freedom, you know, can you do the things that you love to do and do you have the money to do it without having to, you know, run to the computer and check in your bank account? Your health, you know, if we don't have health, we don't have anything. So how is your health, not just your physical, but your emotional and your spiritual health, and then, of course, your career, or your passion, you know, what are you passionate about? What are other people saying, hey, you should do this and you're not listening. And when we start doing that, and then what brings me joy, what really makes me happy Because at the end of the day, that's really what it's all about the happier we can be as individuals, the more we shine our light on others and give them permission to also be happy. Yeah, I love it.
Speaker 2:That I think, for everyone listening is a perfect place to complete this conversation, not like it's over forever, mindy. We definitely have you back on the show over time and you and I will continue to be creating life For everyone listening. I hope you got as much value out of this conversation as I did, mindy. Just that, I really want to acknowledge you for being someone who's out there in the world and, like I posted yesterday, living a creative life is simple. It's not easy everyone, and I know some of the personal journeys that you've gone through to get to today, mindy. I know the challenges that you faced.
Speaker 2:It hasn't always been easy, but thank you for being someone of courage and someone who's not willing to give up in the face of uncertainty and challenge and just keeps taking steps forward and being a congruent and a demonstration of the work that you because I think that's a big part. When looking to hire a life coach or someone, I think it's important that those people be a demonstration of what it is that they're trying to guide and teach us through, and for me, you are someone who has a lot of integrity around that and you are very congruent and practicing what you preach. So, for anyone who's interested in connecting with Mindy. You'll be able to find out how to do so in the show notes. As she said, she runs her coaching programs monthly and retreats regularly, so please check out her out in, mindy, I love you. Just thank you for who you are in my life.
Speaker 3:Oh, thank you so much. And can I also share? So I have my retreats, but I also run monthly women's circles Amazing, and so, yeah, I work with men and women in my Dream Builder program, but the women's circles is a really great place to start for anyone who's not ready to commit to coaching. They want something that maybe is a little less expensive, just to get their feet wet. And what does it feel like to have authentic, open conversations in a safe space with other women who are going through, because, at the end of the day, we're all pretty much going through it.
Speaker 3:What I've discovered as a life coach is we all have the same stuff. It might be wrapped up in a different package, but it's all the same stuff. But to be able to do that in an authentic, safe environment with other women who have your back, it's beautiful, it's amazing and it really helps to get down to what do I authentically believe and want for my life. So, yeah, there's many different options. So thank you for allowing me to come on to your show. It's been such a pleasure. I have loved every moment of it.
Speaker 2:Yes, I can't wait to have you here in Bali. I can't wait to come see you in Costa Rica. And for everyone, thank you for taking the time to be with us today. We'll see you next week, thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for joining us for this week's episode. For more information on the show and our extraordinary guests, check out ConversationsThatMatterPodcastcom. Thank you.