Conversations That Matter
Conversations That Matter
Episode 87 - Sustainable Leadership with Brenna Davis
Join me for this week's episode of What Would Amber Do? This week I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Brenna Davis. Brenna is a CEO, #1 international best-selling author, sustainability innovator, speaker, board advisor, and coach! She has worked with leaders from billion-dollar companies to new startups on becoming sustainable while also turning a profit. Her commitment is to heal herself and the earth, so that future generations can thrive and have fun!
Join us as we discuss:
- Her healing journey to get to today
- Her chapter in She's a Boss, the #1 international best-selling book
- Barriers to female leadership
- Why sustainability matters to her
- The importance of freeing your voice
- Having fun while making a difference
- Living a created life
Join us for this passionate, inspiring, and cup-filling conversation!
Connect with Brenna at:
Website: http://www.brennadavis.com
Email: brennadavis@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brennadavissustainability
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brennadavis7/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brennadavis7
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/brenndavis7
Book Sales: https://www.brennadavis.com/author.html
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